Florence Weekly Class

Habits of Happy People

Happiness is something that each one of us has the potential to experience, but often our habitual ways of thinking take us in the opposite direction. Learn about some of the habits of happy people that will enrich our life’s experience. We will explore meditations and ways of thinking that uplift our mind and how by carrying these with mindfulness into our day we can maintain a light, joyful attitude whatever life throws our way. Everyone welcome. A great opportunity to learn how to meditate and to integrate a meditation practice into your daily life. Please call (256) 412–5734 if you need any additional information.



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Wednesdays | 6:00pm – 7:00p.m.

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Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1332 North Pine Street
Florence AL 35630

About the Teachers

Bonita McCay is a senior Kadampa practitioner. She has been teaching Kadampa Buddhism for over a decade. Her delightful teaching is very practical and will touch everyone's heart.


Birmingham Special Event 

Open The Heart Meditation Workshop


Date and Time TBD

Learn tried and tested meditations that open the heart and dissolve feelings of alienation and separation from the world and other people, and develop meaningful and healthy feelings of love and connection in their place. No experience necessary
Everyone is Welcome!


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The Yoga Circle
1425 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd S STE 200
Birmingham, AL 35205

About the Teachers

Kelsang Dechok is a senior ordained teacher of Modern Buddhism. She has studied and taught in both the US and the UK for many years. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy the precious dharma of Modern Buddhism with such an experienced practitioner.


More on workshops in Birmingham here. Please let us know if you would like to help with having more classes or events in Birmingham.


If you are interested in meditation classes in Huntsville or would like to help them re-start please let us know!



There are no classes currently scheduled. If you are interested in meditation classes in Montgomery please contact us and join our mailing list to get updates on upcoming events in Montgomery and around Alabama.