New Year’s Day Amitayus Retreat for Long Life and Southern Brunch

Wednesday, January 1st | 9a.m.–3:30p.m.

Amitayus is the Buddha of long life, merit and wisdom – the main qualities we need for the happiness of enlightenment. 

An Amitayus retreat on the first day of the year is considered an auspicious beginning for the rest of the year. This practice increases our lifespan, merit and wisdom through the special meditation practice.

Our human life is our most precious possession because it gives us the opportunity to improve ourselves and attain the supreme happiness of enlightenment. We therefore need a long and healthy life. To engage successfully in spiritual practice we also need wisdom, as well as the merit or good fortune that gives our mind the strength to support the growth of inner realizations.

By engaging in Amitayus practice, we can develop these qualities and eventually attain the deathless state of enlightenment. We can also use this practice to help remove obstacles endangering the lives of others, especially our close friends and family.

As a special treat, we will be serving a traditional New Year's Day Southern brunch. Bring your friends and family to enjoy a delicious spread of vegetarian offerings. 

All sessions are guided by our resident teacher, American Buddhist nun, Kelsang Dechok. Everyone is welcome. No prior experience of meditation is needed.

Session times:

Session 1: 9-10:30 a.m. (with Introductory Talk)
Session 2: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Southern New Year's Brunch: 12:30-2:00 p.m.
Session 3: 2:00-3:30 p.m.

About the Teachers

Kelsang Dechok is a Kadampa Buddhist nun and the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Georgia. She has been studying and practicing Kadampa Buddhism for 20 years under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. During this time, she has worked in many roles within the organization including administration, artwork and Director of Tharpa Publications US. She enjoys sharing her experience and understanding of Modern Buddhism so that others can also reap benefit from Buddha’s teachings. Kelsang Dechok has studied and taught in both the US and the UK for many years. She was ordained in 2006 by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, and was requested to be the Resident Teacher of KMC Georgia in 2023. Whether it be through guided retreats or classes, her playfulness and sincerity allow students to see how the teachings can benefit them in their busy modern lives.

Pay at Door - Full Retreat $30.00
Pay in advance - Full Retreat $25.00
Individual Session $10.00

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Wednesday, January 1st
9:00a.m. - 3:30p.m.

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Kadampa Meditation Center Georgia
741 Edgewood Avenue NE
Atlanta, GA 30307