Buddhist Meditation for Everyone
Upcoming dates for Fall 2024: September 14 | October 12 & 26 | November 9 & 23
Sep 28 – From Frustration to Patience (This class is being canceled due to severe weather).
Oct 12 – The Mental Strength of Patient Acceptance
Oct 26 – Patiently Accepting the Unavoidable
These drop-in classes include guided meditation, a talk on Buddhist ideas for daily life, and discussion. No experience is necessary.
Everyone welcome!
Cost $15
Unitarian Universalist Church
3224 Navajo Dr,
Chattanooga, TN 37411
About the Teacher
Bob has been studying meditation and Buddhism since 1999. He is one of our senior teachers, teaching since 2002. He has a unique skill for helping others to apply Buddha’s teachings into daily life and is enthusiastic about sharing his personal experiences with others. He has his own business as a technical trainer in Atlanta.